Protection & Sanitation
As the Corona Virus Epidemic spreads to all corners of the planet, businesses and government institutes are forced to relook and take active measures to help ensure their premises for the safety of their employees, customers and members of the general public. Contactless Access Controlled Entry and Exit points, FLIR Camera Integration, Automated and Manual Sanitizing Units for electronic equipment are all easily integrated into current systems and are the first steps to activity ensuring the safety of your premises.
FLIR Camera Imaging
FLIR, or Forward Looking Infrared Radar Cameras has proven to be effective in the detection of Fever amongst Employees and member of the public. There is currently a wide selection of portable and fixed FLIR Cameras available on the market which can easily be integrated into most Surveillance Systems.

The Lab Steribio, in light of Corona hitting our shores, contamination through the use of Biometric readers is highly possible, some of the larger estates completely disabled biometric access control measures, leaving them vulnerable to egress from unwanted parties.
Steribio ensures that cross-contamination is eliminated, by utilizing 253nm Wavelength light, that is proven to kill viruses in seconds, by destroying the molecular bonds that hold their DNA together. This technology is routinely used to decontaminate surgical equipment. The 253nw Wavelength is not rated safe for human exposure and thus, Steribio is fitted with a passive infrared detector to disable the device for biometric use, a directional shield is fitted to eliminate any direct exposure. Available in outdoor and indoor units,
Steribio+ is our in-house biometric enclosure featuring all the benefits of the Steribio with added negative ion emission, drawing contaminates away from all non-metallic surfaces.
The Lab Steri-room is another product utilizing the same technology as the Steribio+ it reduces and controls cross-contamination of pathogens such as airborne viruses, pathogens and fungi as well as mold spores. The device also neutralizes known carcinogens such as volatile organic compounds.
The Steri-room covers an indoor area of 40 square meters and can be mounted on the ceiling or on the wall. Air is drawn through the unit enclosed unit, it is radiated and exposed to negative ions before leaving the exit vent. There is thus no direct human exposure and the unit can operate in populated areas. For larger areas, additional units are fitted.

Walk Through Sanitiser Booth.
The sanitising booth is a walk through unit manufactured in South Africa with the following featues:
1. The unit is expandable from a single lane to a double lane booth within less than 60 seconds. No fixings or tools are required to expand the booth to a double lane or to contract to a single lane booth.
2. There is a walk through separator in the centre of the booth when in double booth mode and is 3m in length to ensure distancing between entrants with the mist a spray sector at the centre, 1.5m from each side. The Booth is adaptable to an entry and exit booth when in double lane mode.
3. Entry triggers are IP 54 rated, weather proof and freely available in South Africa. Uniquely the booth is convex in shape allowing for mist spay dispersion naturally. This is not possible with a square or of rectangular shape.
4. The sides are constructed of UV protected polycarbonate, stable material and be semi-transparent allowing for natural light. This aids is cases where persons are Claustrophobic.
5. The frame is constructed of polymer plastic resistant to South African climates.
6. All piping is high pressure piping (Natural Polypropylene) enabling the high mist pressure to disperse evenly.
7. Nozzles are of a high quality industrial type aluminium with no drip technology, requiring a minimum pressure and operate and shall close immediately when pressure drops.
8. A pressure compressor is a 9 bar unit utilised to disperse liquid media through the booth. This compressor together with valves, entry triggering electronics and liquid tank are in a separate tamper proof enclosure. (and can be utilised together with the Handsan) The liquid tank has a liquid level indicator by means of LED lights in green for acceptable level (above 50%), orange for half level and red for liquid low. The liquid low indicator is triggered once the liquid available reaches the 20% mark. A pulsing audio alarm sounds once the liquid low indicator is visible.
. Walk through flooring is of such that moisture that collects is caught and shoes and not submersed. The walk dry outdoor carpets are placed to ensure walk out areas remain dry.
Handsan, Handsanitising Booth.
The Handsan booth taken from sanitising personnel entering a fish farms where most often fish deaths are a result of unhygienic or even other cleaning materials such as strong soaps and insecticide repellent residues on personnel’s hands. Adapting the Handsan for COVID utilization was merely changing the liquid and increasing the mist pressure. The Handsan has the following features”
1. The Handsan works seamlessly with any access control system and thus activates entry systems such as turnstiles and gates once sanitising has taken place.
2. Features such as liquid low, internal light, sanitiser verification by green LED indicator and sound beep and included. Compressor and two 25L liquid containers aree included. Easy clip-on fittings allows for ease of container exchange, Hansan can be ordered with a communicator for management purposes. Giving SMS indicators of liquid low, container exchanges and tamper.
3. The Handsan is ideal for any working environment and could be ordered at certain heights making provision for handicapped and small children.
4. Hansan has multiple high pressure nozzles at different angels ensuring that hands and lower arms are reached instantly.

Contactless Entry Points
Contactless/Automated access controlled entry points minimizes human contact with equipment which can be contaminated. Introducing Contactless Access Control will reduce the spread of harmful viruses and bacteria ensuring the safety of anyone who visits your premises. Integrating Automated Doors removes contact with door handles while Facial Recognition and Wave access control point’s removes contact with biometric and card readers assuring contact between people are kept to a minimum.